maanantai 11. heinäkuuta 2011

Season 10 is here!

TL;DR "If you cheated to get high rating, it's not very nice.
But if you reported this to us, thanks anyway.
We can't do anything about it though! But... thanks!"
I guess everyone agrees that S9 was again one of the worst seasons seen yet in World of Warcraft. MMR bugs / manipulation were imo the biggest reason what ruined this season, altough the class balance wasn't really good either. I will not start to name and shame teams who got these titles, but I'm already looking forward to the new season. The ladder still needs a reset though, but perhpaps it won't be quite as bad.

It appears that Blizzard only banned those teams who got rank 1 titles with it, but all the others teams they left untouched. So congratulations on your gladiator titles! I'm atleast a duelist for life (again) and really jelly.

Looking forward of playing fulltime fire in arenas on my mage and we already made a nice team with Rooted and Katría and managed to actually beat some rank 1 teams big time. Looking promising this far!

New videos # 2

sunnuntai 26. kesäkuuta 2011

Fiery maeg video was succesful

I was right when I thought I made the video quite entertaining - lot's of people seemed to enjoy it, but I wasn't exactly waiting for it to be "that good".


Your movie, Stirry - Fiery mage PvP!, has been picked by Uzbeki and is featured right NOW "In Todays Spotlight"!

While in the spotlight we strongly advice you to keep an eye on comments and ratings. Answer questions and fill in additional information in your summary for the fans, keep your movie page fresh and updated and you will be rewarded for it. Basically it will be featured on our front page but share the space with around 4-9 other Authors, so don't be alarmed if you can't see it directly. If there is any questions regarding your air time please feel free to reply to this PM. However, additional feature time is not alone based on rating/download so there is no need to ask for more, the decision is final but we hope you will enjoy the time given!

With a constant stream of above 50 per day yours got picked, congratulations! :)

If you make a new movie sometime in the future make sure to contact us beforehand so that we can help promote it and give it the treatment it deserves. Consider the crew of WCM your personal promo Agents!"

With such unexpected fame and rating (right now rated 4.77 on and 12,5k vies), I'm definately going to make more movies which I will put much more effort into it. Entertaining movies > all, so expect even better to come out next.

keskiviikko 22. kesäkuuta 2011

Stirry - Fire PvP is done. Sony Vegas giving problems

The total video is going to be 12 minutes with mostly battlegrounds and a little w-pvp. Nothing special.

Sony vegas won't let me render it atm though, it's going "not responding" all the time and crashes if I try to render it. Still working on it. The un-rendered files are huge, because I frapsed that shit with smooth 60 fps and 1280p x 1024p size, so I'm expecting it to take some time. Just hope it wouldn't keep crashing now, I guess it's only because of the mega-load of data in the media.

Atm there's worth 12 mins of video and the unrendered size of those are around 150 gigabytes.

So... yeah. :D We'll see!


10 seconds of the movie are missing, lol.


maanantai 20. kesäkuuta 2011

Matt (Lilyan) and Rooted (Pyonx) 2vs2 rogue priest

Thought it was actually pretty entertaining when I watched this from Rooted's point of view on automatic upload.

Full bloodthirsty doesn't quite cut it and with this setup ain't too easy to get a kill

Here's a link:

in b4 lol wtf finnish demon language

A random, bonus picture.

Stirry fiery mage PvP movie coming out soonish

6 and a half minutes of the upcoming movie is all frapsed and edited and ready to go. The final movie is going to be around 15 minutes long and will include mostly battlegrounds, some w-pvp and perhaps a clip or two from 2vs2 (Holy paladin, Fire mage) combo in arena.

Meanwhile you can watch some random stuff I've made when I was still using my old PC!

sunnuntai 19. kesäkuuta 2011

torstai 20. tammikuuta 2011

Warrior mobility changes on current PTR and thoughts

Currently on live, warrior damage is rather insane at times due to Colossus Smash. And Deadly Calm (+inner rage macro) combined with it can really do damage beyond retarded. Heroic Strike spam is being nerfed though and I think it's needed, since it's supposed to be a rage "dumb", rather than something you use all the time for more burst.

Suprisingly enough, Blizzard thought to nerf (arms) warrior mobility so much many people believe even fury will be more viable for arenas than arms. 6 charges a minute (including heroic leap) was a bit too much, yeah, I agree. But hey, warrior damage will be nerfed anyway, because he can't be in range to do it. Right?

* Charge now shares diminishing returns with stun effects.
Well, due to charge stun being longer now, it might be needed so you can't chain-stun people for too long durations. It's going to be interesting to see how or when it's the most optimal moment to use knockdown, since it will be on DR right after charge.

* Hamstring now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.

Yeah, every slowing effect will have a PvP duration of 8 seconds next patch, but this is just stupid. Now warriors will have to use even more global cooldowns to keep the slow up on the target, making the 50% slowing and 8 seconds hamstring just worthless. Maybe it's about to time to make hamstring applied on the target when you cast a mortal strike or something similar? Atleast warriors can still use Piercing Howl since it's free-rage cost and more reliable than hamstring anyway!

* Drums of War no longer lowers the rage cost of Piercing Howl. 
lol j/k

* Juggernaut no longer increases the cooldown on Charge, but instead increases the duration of the Charge stun by 2 seconds. In addition, Charge is usable in all stances, however, the talent now causes Charge and Intercept to share a cooldown.

ARMS in next patch
Ok, as I said before - I think the mobility needed a nerf, but I believe this nerf did go a bit too far. Time to remove intercept from your action bars baby, because on PTR it will put your charge on 30 second cooldown! What had to be done was increase both cooldowns by 10 seconds if you choose to pick Juggernaut or something. Heroic leap is insanely buggy anyway, even more bugged than blink in arenas and only works in completely flat areas. 

Even though this might sound retarded - juggernaut nerf will lower the "skill cap" of arms warriors in arenas, because there will be no reason to charge something else unless you want to stick on that target. ;_; ;_;

Q & Q, it's FURY tiem?! 
Despite the nerfs, arms will still be viable to some degree. But hmm... oh what's this shit?

problem, resilience?
80k raging blows inc on resi targets on ptr. Maybe it's time to save for another 2 hander for next patch!


perjantai 14. tammikuuta 2011

Welcome Cataclysm and this assy blog + flashback to wotlk!

Well, yeah. It's about 4 weeks into Cataclysm now and some major balancing patches are currently on the PTR test realms. While the PTR patch notes are not final, there is some controversial stuff and very interesting changes that are majorly going to impact the playstyle of many classes. I believe the nerfpat is not hitting exactly the right targets, but atleast it's hitting to the right direction.

Probably the biggest changes is Blood Lust / Heroism / Time Warp not usable in arenas and trinkets removing silence. I personally welcome these changes. However, we'll see how arena and PvP will turn out in cataclysm, since Blizzard really wants it to be less bursty than it was in WoTLK. Comparing season 9 to season 5, PvP seems slightly less retarded than it was in early season 5.

Here's just some (retarded arena) stuff that everyone remembers WoTLK from. Most of it got eventually fixed.

HERO CLASS aka Death Knight

ICY TOUCH M8 ft def cd!!!! lol=)
That's a DK right there, yo. Icy Touch and season 5, /castrandom macros and 2k+ ratings totally made the unkillable Death Knights the class of the choice.

Hey, hero class had to be better than other classes, right?

Now in Cataclysm it appears that Death Knights are going to be probably the most powerful class if the current PTR changes go live. You cannot go wrong with the hero class!


The hunter damage was also insane in the early WoTLK. TNT used to give a stun and Beastmastery hunter pets could basically solo casters alone and rape people in 2 seconds. Eventually these got nerfed.

hmm... lol i r hunter what does thsi shit do??
think it does dmg and rng stuns lol

I played a mage in season 5 and I remember using Icy Veins and evocation to survive the unstoppable hunter pet's damage as frost. That's how desperate I was.

Hunters in early Cataclysm though are exactly the opposite and yet again, has the lowest presentation in arena.

Though, at least imo one of the most disgusting things in PvP is the pet damage being too high. Yeah, pets are part of some classes, but the damage shouldn't just be that high by the pet. PvP isn't Pet vs Player anyway, or is it?


nothing more to say. go away, protection specced faggots.

Rogues and Fan of Knives.

throw these around for guaranteed success
Blizzard probably never even realized the impact of a spammable FoK, insane damage, non DR cooldown interrupts in PvP. 

In 5vs5 teams, there had to be a FoKing rogue doing the FoKing aoe interrupts and FoKing everymotherFoKing caster up. And in 3vs3, only by spamming fan of knives, it was actually viable as long as there were casters around.

No matter what people say, this probably was one of the most retarded things I have and I ever will experience in PvP!

Beast Cleave, TSG, Wizard Cleaves etc.

Me and Namsy playing TSG in S7
As always, some of the arena combos will always be better than some others, but also, there will always be some combos that are powerful and viable by just tunnel visioning something and getting kills really fast by blowing something up in 2 secs while using random cd's.

I played TSG in season 7 and I can tell that I've never seen something that simple. If you had the BiS gear, knew how to press buttons and pve rotations, you could beat teams that had many hundred rating more than you had. It was simply because of the unhealable pressure this particular setup gave.

finally removed!!!
jk colossus smash

We, for instance, managed to beat some of the top RMP's in one death grip-> strangulate -> bladestorm, but also lost to some other TSG's couple hundred ratings below us, simply because they had BiS gear and we did not.

:( PvE gear for the win.

It did not necessarily mean that you can't be good players with this combo and do some cool stuff, but the difference of a 2k rated TSG and 2500 rated TSG was not that much.

Ring of Valor, Small Dalaran arena + buggy boxes innit

Arena map environment with RNG stuff was never a good idea. Some people might remember the early Nagrand arena, where there was some small tornados randomly spawning and moving around the map. If you got hit by those, you took some damage and got a knockback, if I recall right.

Well, Blizzard removed these in TBC because they thought the tornados and stuff were too RNG and not PvP-friendly. Ironically enough, when WoTLK came out, we got two, awesomely retarded and RNG arena maps!

Ring of Valor, with the RNG pillars going up and down,
some fire where people could get stunlocked into and take some medicore dot, people getting disconnected 24/7 and spawning next to each others every match, pets bugging on the lifts, really made some people feel like why such stupid shit would ever get into the game. It felt like that arena map never got tested in the beta and was released to the game too early.

And this also was probably true. Later, they removed the RNG fires and fixed the disconnect problems - but still, most of the community prefer this particular arena getting removed from the game. 
Currently, it's somehow bugged on live, so you can't get Ring of Valor. 

Hope it stays this way!


Another one was Dalaran Arena, this one was less buggy than RoV. Really small arena, two platforms, some RNG line of sight in the middle and some boxes for line of sight. kk.

Biggest problems with this arena was simply, it was just too small and the boxes that people used for line of sight, were behaving strangely and had some strange hit-boxes. Also, warlocks could just teleport back to the starting area with their demonic circle and thus never getting to los / melee range of the enemy team and sit in the starting area like a retard for the rest of the match.

Later, Blizzard increased the size of this arena and fixed the bugged "hit-box of the boxes". Imo though, the los in the middle, still has to go.

Oh well, that's it! I probably missed loads of obvious stuff, but I'll probably release another blog soon. Hope you enjoyed it!
